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- Marler KJ, Suetterlin P, Dopplapudi A, Rubikaite A, Adnan J, Maiorano NA, Lowe AS, Thompson ID, Pathania M, Bordey A, Fulga T, Van Vactor DL, Hindges R, Drescher U. BDNF Promotes Axon Branching of Retinal Ganglion Cells via miRNA-132 and p250GAP. Journal of Neuroscience. 2014;34(3):969-79.
- Pathania M, Bordey A. Postnatal Neurogenesis in the Subventricular Zone: A Manipulable Source for CNS Plasticity and Repair. Neural Stem Cells—New Perspectives. 2013:137-61.
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- Pathania M, Yan LD, Bordey A. A symphony of signals conducts early and late stages of adult neurogenesis. Neuropharmacology. 2010;58(6):865-76.